Terms and Conditions


Hele Valley Holiday Park is a family park catering for holiday lodges, caravans, touring caravans, motor caravans and /trailer tents/tents. Our guests’ enjoyment and safety is paramount and therefore we ask you to read the following Terms and Conditions before making your booking.

We reserve the right to ask guests who contravene these terms and conditions or, who in any other way are behaving in a manner likely to cause distress or nuisance to other visitors, to leave the park immediately. In these circumstances the holiday ceases and we shall not be liable for any extra costs incurred by you.

Access statement and policy

We seek to provide the very best service to all our guests and have a specially prepared access statement available which describes the facilities we have to offer on the park. This includes a copy of our Terms and Conditions and a Booking Form, both in large print. If you would like a copy, or wish to discuss any other special requirements, please make our booking staff aware.

Summary of important charges in this agreement


Term 13.4 Housekeeping Deposit

“You must agree to a housekeeping deposit, of £200, on the day of arrival. We will be entitled to retain or recover any losses suffered (including our own reasonable cleaning charges) if you fail to comply with Clause 13.3 of this agreement, unless such failures arise due to our negligence or default.

1.   Booking conditions

1.1.     We cater for families and couples and do not accept bookings from all male or all female parties of four or more persons. We also reserve the right to refuse any booking.

1.2.     Bookings can be made in the following ways:

1.2.1.    By telephone on 01271 862460 using a credit/debit card

1.2.2.    Using our on-line booking service at www.helevalley.co.uk

1.2.3.    In person at our reception

1.3.     The person who signs the Booking Form is responsible for the booking and warrants that they are over 18 years of age and that the party will not exceed the numbers stated on the booking form.

2.   This Contract

2.1.     This contract is with Geoff Love and Hazel Love of Hele Valley Holiday Park, Ilfracombe, EX34 9RD. A contract exists as soon as we have issued our confirmation this will be:

2.1.1.    if you book by telephone, when we accept your initial payment (or full payment if you are booking less than 28 days before your arrival date);

2.1.2.    if you book through an agent, when the agent confirms your booking;

2.1.3.     if you book online, when your booking is confirmed by our website or by email or by post.

2.1.4.    When you receive your booking confirmation, please check this carefully to see that it reflects your wishes. Please inform us of any discrepancy within 7 days unless your holiday is to start within 14 days in which case you should inform us as soon as possible but at least within 24 hours.

2.2.     The terms contained in this contract do not affect your statutory rights.

3.   The Price of the Holiday

3.1.     Once you have made your booking and paid a deposit of 25% of the price of the Holiday, the price of the holiday will not be subject to any change.

3.2.     If the rate of VAT changes between the date you submit your booking and the date we send you a booking confirmation, we will adjust the rate of VAT that you pay unless you have already paid in full before the change in the rate of VAT takes effect.  

3.3.     The balance of the price of your holiday must be paid at least 28 days before the start date, except where the booking is made less than 28 days before your arrival date, in which case full payment is due at the time of booking. If the balance is not paid in time, we will write to you giving you 7 days’ notice to pay the balance of the holiday in full. If you have not paid by the expiry of this notice period, then we are entitled to cancel the holiday and recover our reasonable losses from you.

3.4.     It is always possible that, despite our best efforts, our holidays may be incorrectly priced. We will normally check prices before accepting your Booking so that, where the correct price at your Booking date is less than our stated price at your Booking date, we will charge the lower amount. If the correct price at your Booking date is higher than the price stated, we may contact you for your instructions before we accept your Booking. If we accept your Booking where a pricing error is obvious and unmistakable and could reasonably have been recognised by you as a mispricing, we may end the contract and refund you any sums you have paid.

4.   Special offers

4.1.     Any special offers or discounts you may have will only be valid if claimed at the time you make your booking.

4.2.     All discounts and special offers are subject to availability.

4.3.     Only one special offer may be claimed per booking.

5. Alterations to your booking

5.1 If you wish to make a change to your booking, which is not an amendment to the name of a member of your party, such as an alteration to the type of accommodation or the date of your booking, you must notify us as soon as possible. We will endeavour to accommodate your requirements however we are not able to guarantee that this will be possible.

5.2. Please note that should you wish to extend your stay beyond the booked dates there is no guarantee that the same pitch will be available

tion for the duration of the booking. You must notify us of any change of guest as soon as possible, prior to your arrival date.

5.2.     Only you and the persons named in your booking confirmation can stay on the Park. We reserve the right to refuse entry to any person who is not named in your booking.

5.3.     Once your booking has been confirmed you cannot transfer your booking to anyone else or amend it (this includes changing the members of your party by either removing or adding persons to your booking).

5.4.     If you wish to make a change to your booking, which is not an amendment to the name of a member of your party, such as an alteration to the type of accommodation or the date of your booking, you must notify us as soon as possible. We will endeavor to accommodate your requirements however we are not able to guarantee that this will be possible. 

5.5.     We may not be able to make any amendments to your booking if they are requested less than 7 days prior to your arrival date.

5.6.     Please note that should you wish to extend your stay beyond the booked dates there is no guarantee that the same accommodation will be available

6.   Cancellation of the Holiday by you

6.1. You may cancel your holiday at any time. Cancellation will be effective on the date it is received by us. However, the amount we will refund to you depends on whether the full balance of the holiday is settled and how soon we receive notice that you wish to cancel before your stay: 

More than 14 days you receive full amount back minus the deposit

14 days and under 100% of total holiday cost including deposit is retained by Hele Valley  

6.2. It is advisable to follow up your cancellation request in writing. 

6.2.1 It is advisable that you have holiday insurance should you have to cancel for any reason. 

6.3.     Credit card charges and administration fees are non-refundable in these circumstances.

6.4.     If, after your booking has been confirmed, you write to us to cancel this agreement as a result of us either:

6.1.1.    committing a serious breach of our obligations under this agreement which is not capable of being remedied;

6.1.2.    committing a serious breach of our obligations under this agreement which is capable of being remedied but we fail to do so within a reasonable period of time after we become aware of our breach; or

6.1.3.    altering these terms and conditions so as to cause a material disadvantage to you 

we will refund you the total price of your holiday, including any extras, in full without penalty to you.

7.   Change or cancellation of the Holiday by us

7.1.     We may have to cancel a Booking due to the unavailability of key personnel or key facilities without which we cannot provide the Accommodation. If this happens:    

7.1.1.    we will promptly contact you to let you know;

7.1.2.    we may cancel your Booking and refund your payments, or offer alternative Accommodation and refund any payments for Accommodation not yet provided to you less the cost of alternative Accommodation; and

7.1.3.    if we offer alternative Accommodation you may still choose to cancel your Booking and we will refund the payments you have made to us. 

7.2.     We will not be liable for compensation, or responsible for any failure to perform any of our obligations under these Terms caused by an Event Outside Our Control.

7.3.     If an Event Outside Our Control affects the performance of our obligations under these Terms we will contact you as soon as reasonably possible to notify you:

7.3.1.    we may cancel your Booking and refund your payments, or

7.3.2.    provide alternative Accommodation of an equivalent or higher standard at another Park or on alternative dates which you may choose to accept. If you do not we will refund your payments.

7.4.     Events Outside Our Control include but are not limited to war, threat of war, riot, terrorist activity, natural or nuclear disaster and fire.

7.5.     We may cancel the agreement with immediate effect if: 

7.5.1.    You do not pay to us on time sums due under this agreement

7.5.2.    You are in serious breach of these terms and conditions and you do not remedy the breach within a reasonable period of time.

8.    Our liability to you

8.1.     If we fail to comply with these Terms or are negligent, we are responsible for loss or damage you suffer as a foreseeable result of our breach or our negligence but we are not responsible for any loss or damage that is not foreseeable. Loss or damage is foreseeable if it is an obvious consequence of our breach or if it was contemplated by you and us at the time we entered into this contract.

8.2.     Unless we agree otherwise in writing, we only supply the Accommodation for private use. You agree not to use the Accommodation for any commercial purpose and we have no liability to you for any loss of profit, loss of business, business interruption, or loss of business opportunity.

8.3.     We do not exclude or limit in any way our liability for:

7.5.3.    death or personal injury caused by our negligence or the negligence of our employees, agents or subcontractors

7.5.4.    fraud or fraudulent misrepresentation.

9.   Arrival and departure times

9.1.     Your holiday home will be available from 3pm on your arrival day. If you think you may arrive after 5pm on your arrival day please let us know 24 hours in advance by telephone on 01271 862460.

9.2.     We require you to vacate on your day of departure, by:

9.2.1.    If you are staying in a caravan, 10.00 am; or

9.2.2.    If you are staying in a lodge, 10.00 am.

10.  Holiday Behaviour Standards and Termination

10.1.  By making a booking with us you have entered a contract in which you undertake, on behalf of yourself and the people in your party (including children), to adopt the following standards of behaviour:

10.1.1.  To act in a courteous and considerate manner towards us, our staff and other guests.

10.1.2.  To supervise children properly so that they are not a nuisance or danger to themselves or others.

10.2.  You further agree that you will not:

10.2.1.  commit any criminal offence at the Park or undertake any criminal activity

10.2.2.  commit any acts of vandalism or nuisance

10.2.3.  keep or carry any firearm or any other weapon at the Park

10.2.4.  use any unlawful drugs

10.2.5.  create any undue noise or disturbance

10.2.6.  carry on any trade or business while on the Park.

10.2.7.  use a drone, powered model aircraft or any other powered flying object on the park.

10.2.8.  use any Chinese lanterns, fireworks or similar.

10.2.9.  use metal detectors

10.3.  Quiet hours are from 10.30pm until 7.00am. Please respect your fellow guests and keep noise to an absolute minimum.

11.  Health and Safety

11.1.  We take the wellbeing and safety of our guests very seriously and we ask that you comply with the following:

11.1.1.  The speed limit on the park is 5 mph.

11.1.2.  All vehicles must conform to the Road Traffic Act and have current tax, MOT and insurance. The provisions of the Highway Code apply to the roads on the park.

11.1.3.  Guests are not allowed to bring lorries or other commercial vehicles on to the park. This includes towing vehicles.

11.1.4.  No recreational vehicles can be used on the park. This includes motorised scooters.

11.1.5.  No mechanical or repair work is to be undertaken on the park.

11.1.6.  Only 1 vehicle can be parked next to your accommodation, you will be directed to your designated parking area on arrival.  Further parking is available in our car parking area.

11.1.7.  The rules for the spa are displayed at the entrance to the spa. Children under 15 must be supervised by an adult and anyone failing to adhere to the rules will be excluded from the area for the remainder of their stay.

11.1.8.  You must not enter the stream on the Park.

11.2.  In the unlikely event of a natural disaster or emergency requiring implementation of the park’s Emergency Action Plan you will be notified in person by a member of staff.

11.3.  Please make yourself aware of the nearest fire assembly point.

11.4.  Our full Health and Safety Policy and Emergency Action Plan are available for inspection in Reception.

11.5.  The total number in your party (including children and babies) must not exceed the maximum capacity of the holiday home advertised.  Please note that where a bedroom contains bunk beds, only children six years or older are permitted to sleep on the top bunk and there is a maximum weight capacity of 150lbs for the top bunk.

12.  Dogs and other pets

12.1.  You must inform us at the time of making your booking whether you intend to bring a pet with you as they are only permitted in specific accommodation.

12.2.  You are permitted to bring onto the Park a maximum of one dog per booking. Certain breeds of dog are not permitted, which includes any dogs listed in the Dangerous Dog Act 1991. No other pets are permitted.

12.3.  If you bring your dog with you when you stay with us we ask that you:

12.3.1.  Keep the dog on a short lead on the park at all times

12.3.2.  Clean up after your dog

12.3.3.  Do not leave your dog unattended at any time. Dogs are not permitted to be left in our accommodation unattended at any time.

12.4.  If you bring a dog onto the Park there will be a charge of £3 per day per dog or pet. Assistance dogs are exempt from these requirements and charges.

12.5.  We reserve the right to require that the owner removes their dog, from the park if it is a nuisance or danger to other guests

13.  Use of your holiday home

13.1.  Please look after your Accommodation and the Park facilities so that they may be enjoyed by all. Please report any damage to your accommodation or park property to reception as soon as possible.

13.2.  Smoking is not permitted in any of our accommodation.

13.3.  You must take reasonable care of the accommodation, including any fixtures and fittings, and leave the accommodation in a clean and tidy condition on the departure date.

13.4.  You must agree to a housekeeping deposit, of £200, on the day of arrival. We will be entitled to retain or recover any losses suffered (including our own reasonable cleaning charges) if you fail to comply with Clause 13.3 of this agreement, unless such failures arise due to our negligence or default.

13.5.  We inspect the Accommodation between your departure and the arrival of the next guest. You may be charged for loss or damage caused by you.

13.6.  You are responsible for any damage to your holiday home during your stay. We reserve the right to enter your accommodation for maintenance purposes, giving you 24 hours’ notice that we intend to do so. In the case of an emergency we will provide as much notice to you as is reasonably possible.

13.7.  If you are not in your holiday home when we visit you with a departure letter we will enter and leave the letter on the table without disturbing any of your belongings.

14.  Cots and highchairs

14.1.  If you require a cot and/or highchairs they may be hired at an additional charge of £2.50 per day.

14.2.   You will need to request a cot or highchair at the time of making your booking. Cots and highchairs are subject to availability and there is no guarantee we will be able to fulfil your request. We will advise you at the time of booking whether there is a cot and/or highchair available for the duration of your holiday.

14.3.   Cots are only available in certain accommodations so it is vital that you tell us when you book if you are bringing a cot or you would like to hire one from us.

14.4.  Whilst cots can be hired, we do not supply cot linen. You will need to bring your own cot linen.

15.  Bed linen

15.1.  We provide all bed linen, other than cot linen.

15.2.  We do not provide towels. 

15.3.  Tea towels are provided if you are staying in one of our lodges or caravans.

15.4.  Bath mats are provided in all accommodation.

16.  Park facilities

16.1.  We have two play areas on our Park, one for use by children under the age of five and one for use by children under the age of fourteen which are clearly signposted. Only children falling within these age ranges are permitted to use the play areas. All children need to be supervised by an adult while playing in these play areas.

16.2.  Wi-Fi is available throughout the Park. Details of which are available at reception. Please note that its provision is subject to availability and network conditions. Service may be intermittent and you are advised that it is intended for pleasure and not for business use. Bookings are not accepted if they are wholly reliant on the uninterrupted provision of Wi-Fi.  If you find that you are unable to access the WI-FI, please contact reception as soon as possible.

16.3.  A laundry facility is available next to our Reception, tokens required to operate the machines and washing powder can be purchased from Reception.  The Laundry facility can be used between 9am and 5pm only.  Only guests over the age of 18 are permitted to use the laundry and its machines.

17.  General

17.1.  Open fires and ground level barbeques are not permitted.

17.2.  The use of generators is not permitted.

17.3.  Cutting or damaging trees and other vegetation is strictly prohibited and the natural conditions are not to be disturbed. This includes tying ropes to, or driving nails into, trees.

17.4.  The prices listed include VAT.

17.5.  The information supplied on the Booking Form will be stored on computer for administrative purposes. Under no circumstances will this information be provided to a third party. We may from time to time wish to send you news of special offers on our park. If you do not wish to receive any communication from us please annotate the appropriate box on the booking form. For the purposes of the Data Protection Act 1984 the signing of the Declaration on the Booking Form signifies your agreement to these terms.

17.6.  It is regretted that no refunds can be given if guests depart prior to the end of the booked holiday, unless you do so as a result of one of the reasons listed in clause 6.4.

18.  How we may use your personal information

18.1.  We will use the personal information you provide to us to:

18.1.1.  provide the Accommodation

18.1.2.  process your payment to us

18.1.3.  inform you about similar Accommodation, offers or products that we provide, but you may stop receiving this information at any time by contacting us.

18.2.  We will not give your personal data to any third party unless the law requires us to do so.

19.  Other important Terms

19.1.  We may transfer our rights and obligations under these Terms to another organisation and we will always notify you in writing if this happens but this will not affect your rights or our obligations under these Terms.

19.2.  You may only transfer your rights or your obligations under these Terms and Conditions to another person if we agree in writing beforehand.

19.3.  This contract is between you and us. No other person has the right to enforce any of its Terms.

19.4.  Each of the paragraphs of these Terms operates separately. If any court or relevant authority decides that any of them are unlawful, the remaining paragraphs will remain in effect.

19.5.  If we fail to insist that you perform any of your obligations under these, or if we do not enforce our rights against you, or if we delay in doing so, that will not mean that we have waived our rights against you and will not mean that you do not have to comply with those obligations. If we do waive a breach of these Terms by you, we will only do so in writing, and that will not mean that we will automatically waive any later breach by you.

19.6.  These Terms are governed by English law. You and we both agree to submit to the jurisdiction of the English courts.

19.7.  Photographs of accommodation shown on our website and marketing material are examples of accommodation and the actual accommodation issued for your stay may vary from the those in the photographs.

20. Complaints

20.1.  Sometimes things may go wrong. If you have a problem please tell the Park reception straight away and, we will do all we can to resolve the matter to your satisfaction.

20.2.  If any problem with the accommodation or the Park means that we have to cancel your booking, if we are at fault, we will refund payments made for the accommodation not yet provided to you.

20.3.  If we cannot resolve your complaint during your stay with us please contact the Park Manager by email office@helevalley.co.uk or write to the team (our address is at the bottom of the page).

20.4.  As a consumer, you have legal rights in relation to this agreement. Advice about those rights is available from Citizen’s Advice Bureau or Trading Standards. Nothing in these terms and conditions will affect these rights.

How to contact us

If you need to contact us about your holiday or in connection with these terms and conditions please call our team on 01271 862460, email holidays@helevalley.co.uk or write to us at the address below:

Hele Valley Holiday Park,
Hele Bay,

To contact us via email write to holidays@helevalley.co.uk and we will make sure you get in contact with the best person to help you out.


Camping and Touring Terms and Conditions


Hele Valley Holiday Park is a family park catering for holiday lodges, caravans, touring caravans, motor caravans and /trailer tents/tents. Our guests’ enjoyment and safety is paramount and therefore we ask you to read the following Terms and Conditions before making your booking.

We reserve the right to ask guests who contravene these terms and conditions or, who in any other way are behaving in a manner likely to cause distress or nuisance to other visitors, to leave the park immediately. In these circumstances the holiday ceases and we shall not be liable for any extra costs incurred by you.

Access statement and policy

We seek to provide the very best service to all our guests and have a specially prepared access statement available which describes the facilities we have to offer on the park. This includes a copy of our Terms and Conditions and a Booking Form, both in large print. If you would like a copy, or wish to discuss any other special requirements, please make our booking staff aware.


1.   Booking conditions

1.1.  We cater for families and couples and do not accept bookings from all male or all female parties of four or more persons. We also reserve the right to refuse any booking.

1.2.  Bookings can be made in the following ways:

1.2.1.    By telephone on 01271 862460 using a credit/debit card

1.2.2.    Using our on-line booking service at www.helevalley.co.uk

1.2.3.    In person at our reception

1.3.  The person who signs the Booking Form is responsible for the booking and warrants that they are over 18 years of age and that the party will not exceed the numbers stated on the booking form. There must be an adult present with the party staying with us. 

2.   This Contract

2.1.  This contract is with Geoff and Hazel Love of Hele Valley Holiday Park, Ilfracombe, EX34 9RD. A contract exists as soon as we have issued our confirmation, this will be:

2.1.1.    if you book by telephone, when we accept your initial payment (or full payment if you are booking less than 28 days before your arrival date);

2.1.2.    if you book through an agent, when the agent confirms your booking;

2.1.3.     if you book online, when your booking is confirmed by by our website or by email or by post.

2.1.4.    When you receive your booking confirmation, please check this carefully to see that it reflects your wishes. Please inform us of any discrepancy within 7 days unless your holiday is to start within 14 days in which case you should inform us as soon as possible but at least within 24 hours.

2.2.  The terms contained in this contract do not affect your statutory rights.

3.   The Price of the Holiday

3.1.  Once you have made your booking and paid a deposit of 50% of the cost of the holiday, the price of the holiday will not be subject to any change.  

3.2.  If the rate of VAT changes between the date you submit your booking and the date we send you a booking confirmation, we will adjust the rate of VAT that you pay unless you have already paid in full before the change in the rate of VAT takes place.

3.3.  The balance of the price of your holiday must be paid at least 28 days before the start date, except where the booking is made less than 28 days before your arrival date, in which case full payment is due at the time of booking. If the balance is not paid in time, we will write to you giving you 7 days’ notice to pay the balance of the holiday in full. If you have not paid by the expiry of this notice period, then we are entitled to cancel the holiday and recover our reasonable losses from you.

3.4.  It is always possible that, despite our best efforts, our holidays may be incorrectly priced. We will normally check prices before accepting your Booking so that, where the correct price at your Booking date is less than our stated price at your Booking date, we will charge the lower amount. If the correct price at your Booking date is higher than the price stated, we may contact you for your instructions before we accept your Booking. If we accept your Booking where a pricing error is obvious and unmistakable and could reasonably have been recognised by you as a mispricing, we may end the contract and refund you any sums you have paid.

4.   Special offers

4.1.  Any special offers or discounts you may have will only be valid if claimed at the time you make your booking.

4.2.  All discounts and special offers are subject to availability.

4.3.  Only one special offer may be claimed per booking

5.   Alterations to your booking

5.1 If you wish to make a change to your booking, which is not an amendment to the name of a member of your party, such as an alteration to the type of accommodation or the date of your booking, you must notify us as soon as possible. We will endeavour to accommodate your requirements however we are not able to guarantee that this will be possible.

5.2. Please note that should you wish to extend your stay beyond the booked dates there is no guarantee that the same pitch will be available

6.   Cancellation of the Holiday by you

6.1. You may cancel your holiday at any time. Cancellation will be effective on the date it is received by us. However, the amount we will refund to you depends on whether the full balance of the holiday is settled and how soon we receive notice that you wish to cancel before your stay: 

More than 14 days you receive full amount back minus the deposit

14 days and under 100% of total holiday cost including deposit is retained by Hele Valley  

6.2.  It is advisable to follow up your cancellation request in writing.

6.2.1 It is advisable that you have holiday insurance should you have to cancel for any reason. 

6.3.  Credit card charges and administration fees are non-refundable in these circumstances.

6.4.  If , after your booking has been confirmed, you write to us to cancel this agreement as a result of us either:

6.4.1.    Committing a serious breach of our obligations under this agreement which is not capable of being remedied.

6.4.2.    Committing a serious breach of our obligations under this agreement which is capable of being remedied but we fail to do so within a reasonable period of time after we become aware of our breach; or

6.4.3.    altering these terms and conditions so as to cause a material disadvantage to you;

we will refund you the total price of your holiday, including any extras, in full without penalty to you.

7.   Change or cancellation of the Holiday by us

7.1.     We may have to cancel a Booking due to the unavailability of key personnel or key facilities without which we cannot provide the Accommodation. If this happens:

7.1.1.    we will promptly contact you to let you know;

7.1.2.    we may cancel your Booking and refund your payments, or offer alternative Accommodation and refund any payments for Accommodation not yet provided to you less the cost of alternative Accommodation; and

7.1.3.    if we offer alternative Accommodation you may still choose to cancel your Booking and we will refund the payments you have made to us.

7.2.     We will not be liable for compensation, or responsible for any failure to perform any of our obligations under these Terms caused by an Event Outside Our Control.

7.3.     If an Event Outside Our Control affects the performance of our obligations under these Terms we will contact you as soon as reasonably possible to notify you:

7.3.1.    we may cancel your Booking and refund your payments, or

7.3.2.    provide alternative Accommodation of an equivalent or higher standard at another Park or on alternative dates which you may choose to accept. If you do not we will refund your payments.

7.4.     Events Outside Our Control include but are not limited to war, threat of war, riot, terrorist activity, natural or nuclear disaster and fire.

7.5.     We may cancel the agreement with immediate effect if:

7.5.1.    You do not pay to us on time sums due under this agreement

7.5.2.    You are in serious breach of these terms and conditions and you do not remedy the breach within a reasonable period of time.

8.   Our liability to you

8.1.     If we fail to comply with these Terms or are negligent, we are responsible for loss or damage you suffer as a foreseeable result of our breach or our negligence but we are not responsible for any loss or damage that is not foreseeable. Loss or damage is foreseeable if it is an obvious consequence of our breach or if it was contemplated by you and us at the time we entered into this contract.

8.2.     Unless we agree otherwise in writing, we only supply the Accommodation for private use. You agree not to use the Accommodation for any commercial purpose and we have no liability to you for any loss of profit, loss of business, business interruption, or loss of business opportunity.

8.3.     We do not exclude or limit in any way our liability for:

8.3.1.    death or personal injury caused by our negligence or the negligence of our employees, agents or subcontractors

8.3.2.    fraud or fraudulent misrepresentation.

9.   Holiday Behaviour Standards and Termination

9.1.  By making a booking with us you have entered a contract in which you undertake, on behalf of yourself and the people in your party (including children), to adopt the following standards of behaviour:

9.2.  To act in a courteous and considerate manner towards us, our staff and other guests.

9.3.  To supervise children properly so that they are not a nuisance or danger to themselves or others.

9.4.  You further agree that you will not:

9.4.1.    commit any criminal offence at the Park or undertake any criminal activity

9.4.2.    commit any acts of vandalism or nuisance

9.4.3.    keep or carry any firearm or any other weapon at the Park

9.4.4.    use any unlawful drugs

9.4.5.    create any undue noise or disturbance

9.4.6.    carry on any trade or business while on the Park.

9.4.7.    use a drone, powered model aircraft or any other powered flying object on the park.

9.4.8.    use any Chinese lanterns, fireworks or similar.

9.4.9.    use metal detectors

9.5.  Quiet hours are from 10.30pm until 7.00am. Please respect your fellow guests and keep noise to an absolute minimum.

10.  Health and Safety

10.1.  We take the wellbeing and safety of our guests very seriously and we ask that you comply with the following:

10.1.1.  The speed limit on the park is 5 mph.

10.1.2.  All vehicles must conform to the Road Traffic Act and have current tax, MOT and insurance. The provisions of the Highway Code apply to the roads on the park.

10.1.3.  Guests are not allowed to bring lorries or other commercial vehicles on to the park. This includes towing vehicles.

10.1.4.  No recreational vehicles can be used on the park. This includes motorised scooters.

10.1.5.  No mechanical or repair work is to be undertaken on the park.

10.1.6.  Only 1 vehicle can be parked next to the pitch. All other vehicles including trailers must be parked in the main parking area. Extra vechiles will only be accepted onto the park during the low season subject to prior arrangement with the manager as space is limited. 

10.1.7.  The rules for the spa are displayed at the entrance to the pool. Children under 15 must be supervised by an adult and anyone failing to adhere to the rules will be excluded from the spa for the remainder of their stay.

10.2.  In the unlikely event of a natural disaster or emergency requiring implementation of the park’s Emergency Action Plan you will be notified in person by a member of staff.

10.3.  Please make yourself aware of the nearest fire assembly point.

10.4.  Our full Health and Safety Policy and Emergency Action Plan are available for inspection in Reception.

10.5.  The total number in your party (including children and babies) must not exceed the maximum capacity of your holiday accommodation. 

11.  Dogs and other pets

11.1.      You must inform us at the time of making your booking whether you intend to bring a pet with you as they are only permitted in specific accommodation.

11.2.      You are permitted to bring dogs onto the Park. Certain breeds of dog are not permitted, which includes any dogs listed in the Dangerous Dog Act 1991. No others pets are permitted.

11.3.      If you bring your dog with you when you stay with us we ask that you:

11.3.1.  Keep the dog on a short lead on the park at all times

11.3.2.  Clean up after your dog

11.3.3.  Do not leave your dog unattended at any time

11.4.  If you bring a dog onto the Park there will be a charge, please see our price list. Assistance dogs are exempt from these requirements and charges.

11.5.      We reserve the right to require that the owner removes their dog, from the park if it is a nuisance or danger to other guests

12.  Group Campers

12.1.   There may be restrictions on bookings of parties of over four people. We will notify you of any such restrictions before confirming your booking, however that may arise.

12.2.  We are unable to guarantee pitches next to each other but we do try our best to accommodate your needs.

12.3 We do not accept group bookings during the high season. 

13.  Pitch Sizes

13.1.   We can generally accommodate all sizes of tent, motorhome and caravan and offer 3 different size pitches. It is your responsibility to ensure your pitch is large enough for your equipment.

13.2.   You must provide us with the size of your caravan, tent or motorhome.

13.3.   If you are unable to fit on your chosen pitch it may be difficult for us to offer an alternative. If an alternative cannot be agreed we are entitled to treat your booking as cancelled and will recover our reasonable losses from you, if we are not able to re-let the pitch. 

13.4.   Pitches are strictly for one motorhome, touring caravan or Tent. Touring caravans being towed by motorhomes or similar will be charged as a separate unit.

13.5.   One vehicle per pitch is permitted and must fit onto your booked pitch. Extra vehicles will only be accepted onto the park during the low season subject to prior arrangement with the manager as space is limited.

13.6.  Campervans, including Volkswagen type Campervans, and Touring Caravans will all be accommodated on gravel only, rock pegs are required.

13.7.   Every endeavor will be made to allocate guests the pitch of their choice, however, it must be clearly understood that acceptance of a booking is not confirmation that you have been allocated your chosen pitch.

13.8.   Your pitch number, and directions to it, will be confirmed on arrival. If you are in any doubt whether you are on the right pitch, please check with a member of staff. Any guest on the wrong pitch may be required to move. 

14.  Arrival and departure times

14.1.  Your pitch will be available from 1pm on your arrival day. There are no parking facilities for early arrivals. If you arrive before check-in time there is parking facilities at Hillsborough Car Park. If you think you may arrive after 5pm on your arrival day please let us know 24 hours in advance by email or telephone on 01271 862460.

15.  Park facilities

15.1.   We have two play areas on our Park, one for use by children under the age of five and one for use by children under the age of fourteen which are clearly signposted. Only children falling within these age ranges are permitted to use the play areas. All children need to be supervised by an adult while playing in these play areas.

15.2.   Wi-Fi is available throughout the Park (details of which are available at reception). Please note that provision of Wi-Fi is subject to availability and network conditions. Service may be intermittent and you are advised that it is intended for pleasure and not for business use. Bookings are not accepted if they are wholly reliant on the uninterrupted provision of Wi-Fi.  If you find that you are unable to access the WI-FI, please contact reception as soon as possible.

15.3.   A laundry facility is available next to our Reception, tokens required to operate the machines and washing powder can be purchased from Reception.  The Laundry facility can be used between 9am and 5pm only.  Only guests over the age of 18 are permitted to use the laundry and its machines.

16.  Toilet & Shower Facilities

16.1.   Our toilet and shower block is kept locked, upon arrival at Reception you will be provided with a code number in order to access the facilities. 

16.2.   Children must be supervised at all times when using the toilet and shower block. 

16.3.    We would appreciate it if the facilities are left in a clean and tidy state, please notify the Park Reception of any problems immediately.

17.   General

17.1.   Open fires and ground level barbeques are not permitted.

17.2.   Only breathable ground sheets are permitted on grassed areas.

17.3.   The use of generators is not permitted.

17.4.   Cutting or damaging trees and other vegetation is strictly prohibited and the natural conditions are not to be disturbed. This includes tying ropes to, or driving nails into, trees.

17.5.   The prices listed include VAT.

17.6.   The information supplied on the Booking Form will be stored on a computer for administrative purposes. Under no circumstances will this information be provided to a third party. We may from time to time wish to send you news of special offers on our park. If you do not wish to receive any communication from us please annotate the appropriate box on the booking form. For the purposes of the Data Protection Act 1984 the signing of the Declaration on the Booking Form signifies your agreement to these terms.

17.7.   It is regretted that no refunds can be given if guests depart prior to the end of the booked holiday, unless you do so as a result of one of the reasons listed in clause 6.4.

17.8  It is strictly one car per pitch during the high season. During the low season an extra car must be arranged prior arrival and will be at an extra cost.  

17.9 Charging of electric cars is not permitted via the EHU points provided.

18.  How we may use your personal information

18.1.  We will use the personal information you provide to us to:

18.1.1.  provide the Accommodation

18.1.2.  process your payment to us

18.1.3.  inform you about similar Accommodation, offers or products that we provide, but you may stop receiving this information at any time by contacting us.

18.2.  We will not give your personal data to any third party unless the law requires us to do so.

19.  Other important Terms

19.1.  We may transfer our rights and obligations under these Terms to another organisation and we will always notify you in writing if this happens but this will not affect your rights or our obligations under these Terms.

19.2.  You may only transfer your rights or your obligations under these Terms and Conditions to another person if we agree in writing beforehand.

19.3.  This contract is between you and us. No other person has the right to enforce any of its Terms.

19.4.  Each of the paragraphs of these Terms operates separately. If any court or relevant authority decides that any of them are unlawful, the remaining paragraphs will remain in effect.

19.5.  If we fail to insist that you perform any of your obligations under these, or if we do not enforce our rights against you, or if we delay in doing so, that will not mean that we have waived our rights against you and will not mean that you do not have to comply with those obligations. If we do waive a breach of these Terms by you, we will only do so in writing, and that will not mean that we will automatically waive any later breach by you.

19.6.  These Terms are governed by English law. You and we both agree to submit to the jurisdiction of the English courts.

19.7.  Photographs of accommodation shown on our website and marketing material are examples of accommodation and the actual accommodation issued for your stay may vary from the those in the photographs.

20.  Complaints

20.1.    Sometimes things may go wrong. If you have a problem please tell the Park reception straight away and, we will do all we can to resolve the matter to your satisfaction. If any problem with the accommodation or the Park means that we have to cancel your booking, if we are at fault, we will refund payments made for the accommodation not yet provided to you.

20.2.   If we cannot resolve your complaint during your stay with us please contact the Park Manager by email office@helevalley.co.uk or write to the team (our address is at the bottom of the page).

20.3.   As a consumer, you have legal rights in relation to this agreement. Advice about those rights is available from Citizen’s Advice Bureau or Trading Standards. Nothing in these terms and conditions will affect these rights.

How to contact us

If you need to contact us about your holiday or in connection with these terms and conditions please call our team on 01271 862460, email holidays@helevalley.co.uk or write to us at the address below:

Hele Valley Holiday Park,
Hele Bay,
EX34 9RD

To contact us via email write to holidays@helevalley.co.uk and we will make sure you get in contact with the best person to help you out.

Leaves drifting in the background
AA Quality Inspected Campsite 2019
Visit England Touring and Camping Park 5 star
Conservation Award
Certificate of Excellence
Bee Friendly Conservation Award
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